This trading is one of the two options and the one which offers traders the flexibility. There are two styles within the spot trading too. They are the traditional option and then the SPOT option which stands for Single Payment Option Trading.
The traditional option let the buyer purchase a contract to buy the required number of lots at a time and price of mutual choice. This is slightly different from the stock market where the opted lots are always bought and sold on standard settlement cycles. This is follows the over-the-counter nature of trading of forex. When option expires and the set price is not attained, the buyer only pays the options seller the premium which equals the difference between the expiration and options price. If the price hits the set price, buyer gais the lots and can sell them off for profit in the cash market. The premiums payable to the options seller is a little higher here than that of the SPOT trading contract.
Single Payment Option Trading- SPOT
SPOT trading is pretty simple and straightforward. The seller offers a price scenario; say for example EURO/USD will cut through a particular price within a specified period and seeks price offers. If the price break comes through, the seller immediately gets cash deposited into his account.
SPOT trading is especially attractive to traders because of the advantages inherent within it.
1. You stand to get the cash if your call is right otherwise you loose only your premium.
2. SPOT offers a number of different choices and not just one fixed to opt for unlike in traditional options trading.
But Why Traders Prefer SPOT?
Out of the appealing reasons some of them are listed out here.
1. Your downslide is protected to the limit of your premium which is the paid up value of the lots.
2. Payment needed to make is lighter than the cash market.
3. The biggest advantage is the freedom to set the prie and expiration date.
4. Traders can hedge the SPOTs against cash positions and minimize risk
5. When you anticipate fundamental changes to a currency you need not put at stake your entire capital to enter into open positions.
There are certain downsides for SPOT trading in forex too without which I suspect everyone would be trading SPOT market rather than cash market.
1. Premium is a function of strike price and date so the risk /reward ratio is variable
2. You can't change mind midway and trade the SPOT options unlike traditional options or cash market, so predicting exact price and date could be risky.
When entering into positions keep in mind the time function as longer periods load higher premiums.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
How To Make Money with Spot trading In Forex
Monday, August 25, 2008
How To Make Money with Basketball Betting
The best way to increase your earnings from betting is to develop a basketball betting guide. Such a guide will help you cut your losses, and increase your earnings. This is precisely how professional bettors operate. They don't place bets on whims and fancies as is the general belief, but after considerable hard work. In contrast, amateur bettors go with the public mood. They win some, and loose more. So if you want to win you must have your own betting guide. This guide should include the following details:
1. Know your teams. Go through the newspaper reports carefully. Also listen to the team analysis done by professionals on the TV. Make a list of the strong and weak points of the players in each team, and the performance of teams at home and away. A good guide should cover at least two, if not three, seasons. Check which players are injury-prone and are likely to miss big games. Work out the impact of their absence on team performance. Use an Excel sheet, and make a noting of team ratings by different newspapers, TV channels and websites. Based on this, arrive at you own rating.
2. Team Motivation: several bets go wrong because the bettor has not evaluated the motivation level of a team to win a game. A team that has already qualified will save its best for the final. It would rest its key players or experiment with new team formations. These are useful strategies that coaches adopt. In contrast, a team that is facing elimination will go the extra mile to win, even if the opposition is full of stars. Team performances are also affected by back to back matches. A team may be too drained to put up its best when made to play a game the next day, and end up loosing to a weaker team. Your guide will alert you to these possibilities.
3. Follow a match closely: Your guide must have a column that must describe in detail why your team won or lost. Very often, the final scores do not tell the correct tale of a match. A team that may have lost may have actually played better basketball. Such match descriptions will help you form a better opinion of teams, and their players.
4. Public opinion: Strong public opinion in favor of a team leads to heavy betting on them. Every one wants to wager on a team that is winning. This makes the bookies reduce the odds. Even if you win, your earnings are meaningless. So, stay away from such teams or bet low on them. Put you money on teams that are dark horses or strong fighters.
5. Make more straight bets: It is better to win four straight bets and loose two over a week, than to go for two parlays and lose both. Parlays can bring you big money, but the stakes are very high. Even one wrong result can undo your good work.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How To Make Money with Golf betting
Gambling and betting in sports dates back to the age of Roman Empires and it has been blatantly and relentlessly used as a source of enjoyment in the sports . Betting in sports refreshes the spectator, puts a little life back in the game. And betters who win the bet have nothing but triumph that calls for celebration. Its luck that works but clever people side the winners and somehow they always end up rich. If one desires to experience golf betting by betting on golf during any tournament here are a few things that would enlighten you with how it goes about.
Betting on golf games can be done directly or there is another way of betting on golf that is betting while you are attending a golf tournament. Tournaments are ostentatious and they involve a lot of players and especially famous ones and they are quite different from the ordinary golf games that involve only a few players and their rules can differ. In the tournaments players have to abide by the rules strictly and there are no exceptions. That is the reason most of the people bet on golf during tournaments. This is the simple way of golf betting.
There are other ways you can bet on golf. There is one called the 72 holes betting. When the players are playing a game of putting 72 holes and strangely enough the winner isn't the one with the maximum scores but the one with the lowest scores! The wagers can bet on them and the winner is always decided in the end. These games always have space for betters because when the game ends in a tie there sill can be a winner. The betters do not have to face disappointment. There still remains however the condition that if the match gets reduced and cancels out before the 72 holes are completed there is no winner. All the betters have to forgo their bets.
The game of golf is played in many different ways. Numbers of holes that need to be putted vary a lot. Ordinarily the game that is played as the 18 holes match is famous. People bet on this one and it simply declares the player who has the lowest scores over the 18 holes. The advantage of betting in golf over other games is, there is very little role luck plays in this game and thus if you bet for the more skilled player, the chances of losing are very little.
Monday, August 18, 2008
How To make Money With google adsense
From what I am reading in online forums and discussion boards, Google adsense is still ruling the roost, in terms of popularity, for those wanting to start earning money from home.
I personally, have Google adsense ads on most of my websites and I find that even with the lowest of daily impressions an income can be earned. Ok you won't make a fortune with a few hits per day but if you are constantly building websites and optimizing them for adsense then the income can REALLY add up.
A few of my most recent websites are only getting 10-20 impressions per day but really high click through rates. Some days I can earn $2-$3 per site for a couple of clickthroughs from these low traffic sites. This denotes HIGH interest from advertisers paying big bucks to Google for certain keywords.
Unbelievably, many entrepreneurs are earning six figure incomes per month from adsense revenue alone.
The smart earners are building site after site then building out the ones that show potential.
The idea is to set up sites in relatively unknown markets but also balanced with some interest in the advertising field. For instance, if you choose a niche with little or no interest from advertisers then the income will reflect this lack of interest, ie. no one will be paying google for advertising in your niche or they will be paying very little and you will earn pittance per click thru.
One site of mine in an obscure niche gets hundreds of unique visitors per day and loads of adsense clickthrus, yet the income is only a dollar or two daily. This tells me that advertisers are paying very little, probably in and around 10 cents, for keywords in my niche.
At the other end of the spectrum you DO NOT want to choose a niche with so much competition that you cannot get any traffic at all. The 'work at home', 'home business', 'internet marketing' niches are not good examples for a newcomer to make money from Google adsense. The competition is just too great. If you DO already have an established home business site then by all means add some adsense ads to your site.
Like everything else I have done online I have learnt through trial and error, Google adsense has been no different. If you don't put the ads out there then you will never know the potential.
I do get some clickthrus from my home business sites and the click thru rates can be anything from 10-15 cents to $1-2. Not bad!
Google adsense is definitely here to stay for the forseeable future and we can all see why. If you have any vision at all you can see the potential in earning from Google adsense and exactly why it has become so popular.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How To Make Money By Attracting Abundance
Do you know at least one person that seems to make the most of out every situation? Someone who has great success at the act of manifestation (the act or product of bringing about change through the direction of consciousness)?
You may even have felt a little jealous of the person because it appears they have everything, seemingly getting these things with minimal effort as though they were born 'lucky'. Well, it is probably time you understand that the power of manifestation lies within each of us and it is up to you to learn more about it.
Attracting abundance is knowledge. Just like any other skill people have, manifesting is no different. Skills like playing a musical instrument or making gourmet meals require time and commitment to learn and practice. So does the skill of manifesting. How good you get, depends on how well you learn the skill and how well you apply it.
Even though some of us are better at certain skills, that doesn't mean the rest of us, with practice, can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another. Some seem to have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. Manifesting abundance now comes to them so readily it appears 'natural' just as a well trained pianist seems to play the piano without thought or effort. They learn to believe whole-heartedly that they simply deserve something; it is now part of their reality. Those are the ones that seem to be born 'lucky'. Luck is not how they got there!
So, how can you start on your journey towards manifesting great things for yourself and those you love? Here is the first step - a basic understanding of the 'Law of Attraction'.
Gaining a good understanding of how the "law of attraction" works is the first step in bringing abundance into your life. You can create our own reality. You can attract riches, opportunities and happiness, etc., in our life when you learn to focus or attract yourself on them. In order to do this, you must learn to believe and think in a positive way towards those things you seek. You probably also know at least one person (hopefully not you!), who dwells on the negative and truly will focus on having less. They are attracted to 'less' not 'having more'. When you focus on "I hate my current employment" then you will never notice the aspects of your employment that might be satisfying. You must understand that just wanting something isn't going to bring that to you if you continue to focus on the 'not having' of that something. You may have personally experienced that "not having" attitude and learned that it blocked your true desires.
You must learn to focus on a particular item or scenario rather than on vague goals like 'more cash' or 'winning money'. Focusing on winning the lottery, for example, is a fruitless event. Although, through luck, some win lotteries, focusing on winning the lottery is kind of like focusing on "not having." Oddly enough, many who focus on winning naturally dream of what they could do to help others, even though many of those dreams could actually already be done with their current incomes on a smaller scale, but they don't. This is probably because they focus on what they perceive as their 'not having' or 'having so little'. With this attitude they end up believing that those dreams are only possible by winning the lottery. They are literally afraid to act on their dreams for fear that they do not currently 'have enough' to offer.
For example, I know several decently paid professionals that repeatedly tell me that they too would really love to sponsor a foster child in another country and they would if they won the lottery. They are afraid that they cannot currently afford $1 a day as that might leave them short of cash in case of an emergency like an unexpected auto repair. Their focus is on "not enough" rather than being focused on sponsoring a needy child. When they are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much money they have, it will never be enough.
Just talking about sponsoring a child brought their fears out into the open. It would be great if they could trust that helping a needy third world child would not put them at financial risk.
So what I would tell these professionals, who would like to sponsor a child but feel they just cannot, is that they focus on visualizing a starving child being fed by their contribution and perhaps a wonderful letter from that child, complete with a photo to be proudly placed along side other family pictures. This would be a positive image/thought to get that picture to become a reality. Perhaps talk it over with the rest of the family to see what they could do without to create that $1 a day. This is the first step in learning how to manifest their lives. This same first step will work for all aspects of life from healthy, happy relationships to personal wealth.
Is it your turn to make the most of out every situation? Is it your turn for others to see you as 'lucky'? Does your lack of ability to manifest life leave your soul wounded or lacking? Would you like to learn all the steps to manifest life? You deserve it and it is time to take action.
Monday, August 11, 2008
How To make Money with Pennsylvania Lottery
The Pennsylvania lottery has a lot to offer the state's citizens. Not only is playing the PA lottery a fun way to spend a little extra cash, but it also benefits a great cause. Other than prizes, the largest percentages of revenue generated from the PA lottery goes to help older residents of the state. It funds mass transit for the elderly, low prescription drug cost programs and a variety of public community centers for seniors. The state of Pennsylvania is the only state that uses its lottery revenue to fund programs for the elderly.
There are a variety of different drawings games available to those who participate in the Pennsylvania lottery. The Daily Number game is a popular game that merely involves picking a three-digit number. You can place your bet in a number of different ways, with different wagers ranging from fifty cents to six dollars. There are many different ways to play Daily Number, and these will give you different PA lottery result odds. For instance, you can play it boxed, which means you win if the numbers themselves match no matter the order. If you choose the 'box two digits' game, you must choose two of the name digit plus the number one. You can win if these are drawn in any order. There are a variety of other ways to play the Daily Number game, each with different odds of winning.
The Pennsylvania lottery Cash Five drawing is another popular game in the state. Drawings are held every evening, and the game involves choosing five numbers each ranging between one and thirty-nine. If you match all of the numbers, you win a prize. Tickets for this game cost one dollar each, and the prizes are awarded in accordance with how many tickets are sold. The grand prize is equal to approximately fifty-three percent of half of the number of tickets sold for the particular drawing.
There are several other games available to those who play the Pennsylvania Lottery. There is the Big4 game in which the player picks a 4 digit number, and there is the match 6 where the player picks 6 numbers from 1 to 49. One game unique to Pennsylvania is the millionaire raffle. In this game there are only 625,000tickets issued with numbers from 00000001 to 0062500. The tickets are $20.00 and this game offers better odds than most lottery games. There is also the Lucky for Life game where the player picks 6 numbers from 1 to 38 and the prize is $3,000.00 per month for life. Of course you may also play powerball and the instructions are standard. The Pennsylvania lottery is an opportunity to strike it rich and help several worthwhile causes at the same time.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
How To Make Money with Kentucky's Power Ball lottery
Kentucky's Power Ball lottery can be a fun way to spend a few dollars. Whether you purchase your Kentucky Power Ball ticket for yourself of for a friend, no one can deny the excitement that arises are you watch the winning Kentucky Powerball numbers being drawn one by one. With Kentucky Power Ball, you can win more than six hundred million dollars if you choose all six of the right numbers, making it one of the largest lottery drawings in the country.
To play Kentucky lottery Powerball, you must choose five numbers between one and five, and one number between one and forty-two. The number between one and forty-two is known as the Power Ball. If you match the Powerball and all five of the other balls, you will be a KY Powerball jackpot winner. If you match all five but not the Powerball, you will still win two hundred thousand dollars, which is not so shabby either.
For one dollar, you buy one chance at the KY Powerball jackpot. However, you can purchase up to five plays at a time on one ticket. You can also pay an extra dollar to participate in the Kentucky lottery Powerball Power Play option. When you pay an extra dollar, your winnings will be multiplied by two, three, four or five, depending on the number drawn. Multiplying your prize winnings applies to every Kentucky Power ball prize except for the jackpot. This means that if you play the Power Play option and you win the two hundred thousand dollar prize, you could double, triple, quadruple or even quintuple your winnings! Many Kentucky Power Ball players see the using Power Play option as a game in and of itself.
No matter how you choose to play Kentucky lottery Powerball, you will be sure to have a good time as long as you play responsibly and do not get too caught up in the idea of winning the jackpot.
The money generated by the Kentucky Lottery is used to fund many worthwhile causes in Kentucky. These include education, college access grants, Kentucky tuition grants, early childhood reading programs, affordable housing, and a one time bonus for Vietnam veterans. The lottery has awarded 592,000 loans and grants for college. Kentucky is one of the states that use monies generated by the lottery for the common good of its citizens. This is an opportunity to support some worthwhile causes and possibly win millions.
Monday, August 4, 2008
How To make Money Online with BlackJack Strategy Tips
Blackjack is one of the few casino games that are beatable in the long run. It means that by using a basic blackjack strategy you can have an advantage over the casino and eventually step away from the blackjack table as a winner. Here you can find the basic blackjack strategy explained in a simplified manner.
The blackjack strategy is based on the mathematical probabilities of the game and it provides you guidance on the best decisions to make at every possible situation during the game. It takes about an hour to memorize this strategy but it is worth every minute. This does not man you will win every single blackjack game from now on, but with the help of the blackjack strategy, patience and persistence, you can significantly improve your chances of beating the casino in the long run.
Note that some blackjack rules vary from one casino to another. In some casinos, both brick and mortar and internet casinos, blackjack is played with one card deck while in others the blackjack game occupies four decks or more. In addition, in some of the casinos the dealer hits on a soft 17 while in others he is required to stand and doubling after splitting is allowed only in some of the casinos.
Here you can find a basic strategy to a single deck blackjack game where the dealer hits on soft 17. Playing other blackjack variants would require you to make some adjustments for a few borderline occurrences.
First, here is a short introduction to the terms mentioned here:
Hard Hand: two initial cards that do not include an Ace.
Soft Hand: two initial cards that one of them is an Ace
Stand: when a player is not asking to be dealt more cards after the two initial cards.
Hit: when a player calls for an additional card to be dealt
Double: when a player doubles his initial bet after the initial deal, but it requires him to hit only one card.
Split: when a player separates the initial two cards into two individual hands and plays them as 2 hands.
Finally, here is a basic blackjack strategy:
When your initial two card hand sums up to 8 or less: hit
When your hand sums up to 9 and the dealer hand value is between 3 and 6: double if else: hit when your hand sums up to 10 and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 9: double; if else:
When your hand sums up to 11 and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 10: double; if else hit.
When your hand sums up to 13, 14, 15, or 16 and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 6: stand; if else hit.
When your hand sums up to 17: stand.
when your initial two card hand contains Ace 2 or Ace 3 and the dealer has either 5 or 6: double; if else: hit.
When your hand contains Ace 4 or Ace 5 and the dealer has 4, 5 or 6: double; if else: hit.
When your hand contains Ace 6 and the dealer has 3, 4, 5 or 6: double; if else: hit.
When your hand contains Ace 7 and the dealer has 2, 7 or 8: stand; if he has 3, 4, 5 or 6: double; if else: hit.
When your hand contains Ace 8 or Ace 9: stand
When your hand contains a pair of 2s or 3s and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 7: split; if else: hit
When your hand contains a pair of 4s and the dealer has either 4 or 5: split; if else: hit
When your hand contains a pair of 5s and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 9: double; if else: hit
When your hand contains a pair of 6s and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 6: split; if else: hit
When your hand contains a pair of 7s and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 7: split; if else: hit
When your hand contains a pair of 8s: split
When your hand contains a pair of 9s and the dealer hand value is between 2 and 7 and either 8 or 9: split; if else: stand
When your hand contains a pair of 10s: stand
When your hand contains a pair of 8s: split
